The truth about Aptitude Tests!
Most schools and education counselors in India insist on taking an Aptitude test in order to guide the students on different education streams.
What is surprising to learn is that this is an outdated process which has been dumped by the US ( where it was invented ) and the rest of the developed countries in the 1990's.
Background of the Aptitude Tests
The Aptitude Test were designed by the US Research Universities ,under the guidance and funding of the US Govt. Dept. of Labor , to solve a very specific problem the US Govt was facing In the 1950's . The US was under recession, and the Govt. was faced with a mammoth task to give employment opportunities to several thousand workers. On the one hand the Govt. was giving jobs through their employment exchanges, while on the other the employers were complaining that the candidates are not fit for the job in which they had to perform.
to overcome this problem,it was then decided by the Ministry of Labor that there should be a process designed to identify if a particular candidate has an aptitude to perform that job, which could then be used to classify individuals for specific jobs which they could carry out easily. This was the foundation for the design of Aptitude Tests, created to help people survive the worse, recession conditions.
Limitations of Aptitude Tests Today
Can a medical testing facility designed in 1950 be used to diagnose the health of patients in todays Hospitals , it would be unethical to suggest medicines and operations based on such primitive test reports,not only would it result in wrong diagnosis and conclusions but would also be treated as a criminal act for providing wrong medications and solutions.
When the medical health is taken so seriously so as to avoid any wrong conclusions , how can we be so careless about our students Careers and Life which are highly affected by the results of such wrong test and conclusions. Many student follow such wrong guidance and end up doing degree programs which are not suitable for them or their Career growth, they end up spending precious years of their life alongwith their parents money and efforts on something which was totally unnecessary and should have been totally avoided , with the right diagnosis.
Modern research in Career Guidance
The US Govt. has since , invested over $2 bn in research over how to indentify the Dictionary of Occupational Traits beyond the aptitude of an individual , that are desirable for an individual to be successful in a chosen Career. The latest creation of this research is the declaration of Occupational Information Network , a standard database research which has resulted in the accurate mapping of Individuals to a particular Career.
CAP has been designed and patented on this fundamental research with enhanced features and modifications to suit the Indian student and population mindset, which has resulted in accurate mapping of hundreds of Indian students to unique careers which suit their profile , some careers which they were not even aware existed and would be best for them because of the way they are, thus helping them focus on their own career path rather than pursuing unnecessary degrees.
Its time for all of us Indian students and parents , to get over and dump the outdated Aptitude and other related tests, and focus more on the latest technology available to us through this ' world class assessment systems'